Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Business Administration

"Business Administration:

"Business Administration is a department that I took while at an institution that is LP3I Tasikmalaya branch.
In LP3I tasikmalaya there are 5 educational program, the first:
business administration
computer accounting
engineering informatics
office management
and the last
automotive engineering
I took this course because I was interested in comparing other programs.
Actually my first dreamed of becoming a pilot, but as I understand business is my goal changed to become an entrepreneur.
At my age that is still fairly young, I was very eager to become a successful young entrepreneur. Because I want to absorb human resources and direct them to the field, especially in my neighborhood.
"I am very sad to see the environment, especially in my own neighborhood, in my neighborhood who was unemployed my age, because they broke sekolah.saya viewing opportunities of the situation, why I do not create jobs to absorb the unemployed in particular d my neighborhood.

and it is my main target in the short term.

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